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Our Constitution

SWFRP Agenda

We are registered with the Electoral Commission as a party. We make no profit and all our proceeds, even our councillors allowances, are put into the party to make South Woodham Ferrers a better place.


The purpose of South Woodham Ferrers Residents Party (SWFRP) is to achieve effective representation for the South Woodham Ferrers community.

SWFRP)will be registered in the Great Britain (England) register only.

The priority of SWFRP)is to work to promote and achieve the election of representatives to Chelmsford City (Elmwood/Woodville & Chetwood/Collingwood wards) and Essex County (South Woodham Ferrers Division) Councils to ensure that the interests of South Woodham Ferrers residents are properly taken into account by the two Councils. The aims of the party are as listed below.


  • Seek the best value for taxpayers in South Woodham Ferrers

  • Prioritise the best interests of residents through engagement with the community.

  • Ensure that any proposed development is necessary, is in keeping with the original vision of South Woodham Ferrers as a riverside country town and is preserving the town’s ethos, environment and style.

  • Lobby for the infrastructure needed to make any development in the area practical and sustainable.

  • Provide strong local leadership in developing the economic prosperity of South Woodham Ferrers.

  • Create the environment for businesses to thrive, whilst maximising and safeguarding job opportunities.

  • Reduce criminal and antisocial behaviour with the aim of improving the safety and quality of life for the community, working with residents, the police and other agencies.

  • Seek to achieve improvements to health provision in the town, working with all the local Health partners.

  • Improve sports and leisure facilities in the local area.


Membership shall be open to all persons interested in pursuing the aims of the party and paying an agreed annual subscription. All members must declare involvement in any group, organisation, or party that seeks to influence public opinion, and membership may be denied/revoked if a conflict arises.

A member wishing to stand as a candidate for election shall make their intention known and shall be proposed and seconded by two different members at a general meeting, or at a specially convened EGM. Details shall be recorded in the minutes of that meeting in keeping with normal procedure.


Officers must be of voting age in the local government elections. The term of office will be for up to one year and shall normally be elected at the AGM, or an EGM if required. Members wishing to act in any official capacity shall be proposed, seconded and agreed by a majority attending the meeting. Standing officers shall be eligible for re-election.

A Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Nominations Officer must be elected from the membership: The duties of these Officers are as follows:

ChairmanNormally the party leader


Deals with all Secretarial matters and correspondence


Administers the agreed financial scheme. Prepares financial reports for meetings. Files financial documents as required by the Electoral Commission and/or any other body.

Nominations Officer

Prepares and submits election Returns to the relevant Returning Officer to specified timescales.

Additional, Non-Executive Officers may be appointed as and when specifically required.

Members are also eligible for election onto the Executive Committee


Meeting Agendas must be sent to all members at least 3 working days before the advertised date of the meeting.

The AGM shall be held in June each year. Additionally, there will be 4 general meetings held throughout the year at 3-month intervals.

The elected Party Secretary (or a nominee) shall be responsible for taking minutes of meetings; minutes to include key discussion points, agreed actions and a record of decisions made.

Minutes of all meetings shall be tabled at the following meeting an official copy shall be agreed by members present and signed as a true record by the Chairman of the meeting.

A quorum will be 30% of the membership, of which at least two must be Executive Officers.

All matters shall be decided by a majority vote. Each member in attendance shall have one vote. In the case of a voting tie, the chairman of the meeting will have a casting vote.

An EGM may be called by either the Chairman or one-third of the membership.

The Executive Committee may hold separate meetings, as required, to discuss the business and administration of the association. These meetings will be documented in detail and minutes made available to all members.

Agendas must be available at least three working days before the meeting.


A proposal by any two members to dissolve the party shall be submitted to the Secretary to be included at the AGM or EGM at least 10 working days before the date of the advertised meeting. A decision to dissolve the party must be approved by 50% of those present at the meeting.

Following a decision to dissolve the party:

  1. The Party Treasurer, in consultation with the Party Officers shall settle any party liabilities and produce a final party financial report.

  2. The distribution of party assets will be decided following the receipt of a proposal from any member; the distribution must be agreed by at least 50% of the party membership at the time of dissolution.

  3. Its documents shall be retained for a period of seven years by the party secretary and be made available for inspection by any former party member on request.


The finances of the SWFCTA shall be administered according to the approved Financial Scheme.


Any amendments must be submitted to the Secretary to be included at either the AGM or an EGM at least 10 working days before the advertised time of the meeting.

Amendments to the constitution must be approved by over 50% of those present at the meeting.

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